Models off duty. I adore them. This is so much
different to the show, where fashion and design obliterates individuality. But
when the lights are switched off and the all champagne glasses are empty,
models can stand out.
Of course they are effortless, natural and timid in a way. Maybe a little
bit boring for hipsters, especially this
sacred ensemble: skinny jeans, t-shirt
and motorcycle jacket. But fashion has two dimensions for me. One is the space
for these unique, bold entities, wearing opaque pants or actually wearing
almost nothing. The other, which appeals to me so much is the casual one, slightly
conventional, but comfy and cosy. Still there is this paradox that happens to
me every time: when I favour for simplicity in my clothes , the only
people I spot on the street are these colorful and unorthodox. And the other
way round. So I am going crazy, always regretting my fashion choices.
This is a question if both of these spaces can
be dubbed ‘style’? I am really obsessed with that word. Probably it is more
important than ‘trend’ . I guess models realise that, so I believe they have an
uncompromising attitude to clothes, proving this is all about the way you can show
them off and convince people this is real fashion consciousness. So tomorrow I
am wearing just a sweater. Just skinny pants. Plain coat. Hope, it will feel
good and confident, eventually. X