I was never a tomboy, but it has always seemed
that a girl needs to come up to way too many expectations. She has to behave
well, she has to be pretty. I treasure one particular memory in my mind, I was
5, maybe 6, my mum took me outside for a walk. I don’t remember the particular
reason of this excursion, but what I vividly see is me wearing a dress, little pea coat and a beret. The first two I could somehow handle, but it was the headwear
that I couldn’t bear. Featuring small embroidered tulips, I was taking it off
while my mum persistently put it back on my head. I might have cried on that
day or maybe I even yelled in exasperation. What I want to say is that on
my short life’s timeline, this trivial event marked a certain beginning – a way to acceptance I will always be a girl.
Fifteen years later, there is nothing else
I’d wish for. This has nothing to do with a feminist discourse, I am far from
making radical statements or expressing strong opinions. Rather, I just feel it’s
so much more luminous – the view of the world filtrated through a girl’s perspective.
In fact, being a girl is cool for so many reasons I thought they need a proper
list. Here it comes.
It’s generally accepted we can display
our emotions.
We can also talk about them.
We actually want to talk about them,
analyse them and draw conclusions.
We are more likely to put pride aside.
We can be strong and sensitive at the same time.
There is nothing a girl wouldn't do for
true love.
We value friendships.
We are free to wear any shade of pink if
we feel like it.
We always look for someone to take care of.
And we also expect to be taken care of.
We can wear berets.
Most of our problems have been already
solved by female press.
We inspired many more love songs than
the opposite sex.
We have the ability to admit our
We can openly say our mums are our best
We can play sports without feeling ashamed
we totally suck at it.
We have girlfriends who stay overnight and can sleep under same bed sheets.
We can act hysterical at times.
And romantic.
We can keep secrets.
And follow the intuition.