
a letter to myself


I’m writing this letter, a digital one, a non-tangible one, a couple of phrases. A kind of letter you have no choice, but to read, because you’re the one writing it. It’s definite and heard, as your eyes sift through the text full of words that came out of you. Addressed to you.

This is a therapeutical exercise. This is a kind gesture. I hope it makes you lighter.

Stop limiting yourself. There are enough limitations life continuously imposes on us for you to add more.

Demand from yourself, but let yourself go too. Life is all about balance.

Trust yourself and your instincts. Nothing should be dictated by fears.

Don’t create pressure that doesn’t really exist.

Always show the honest feeling.

Never be swamped by ambition and dreams.

Be vulnerable and let other people take care of you sometimes.

Differentiate beween the trivial and the important.

Remember nothing is the end of the world really.

Stop thinking about being, becoming someone. Be the way you are.




on documentation

The world we see everyday is a collection of images, subjective and personal, filtrated through a mood, a state of mind, a character. Objectivity is not to be concerned about, because eventually, it disables emotion to have its say on the world we’re living in. This is why documentation is so important.

As soon as certain thought is expressed, written, transformed into an artwork, we can realise its power. It’s not about who is saying, it’s about how he’s saying it. A documentation of quality is one that offers an inspiration, an incentive. It’s an answer to a question - what else of this reality can we understand thanks to perceptive minds of others? There is a hidden potential in all of us to complete this task and bring its results out. We are an ensemble of individuals, a variety invited to take up all forms of creative activity to share something we find essential in the closest or more remote surrounding. We can choose our destinations, we can choose the medium. While we should evade acting opinionated and keep a healthy dose of self-criticism, we should always find courage to create a smal record of our observations. Out of pure generosity, give it to others and maybe one day, our documentation will grow into something more substantial. In the end, isn’t this world all about floating ideas?


on silence

Sometimes I realize the blessing that comes with silence. It is a choice, but not an ultimate one. I feel people always prefer to speak. But speech is tiring and abundant, missing the point, it is just a medium to reassure oneself - I am eloquent, I have opinions.

The people I really enjoy listening to remain quiet and need to be confronted with a direct question. Is it that they treasure their view so much, is it because of fear? I believe what they have to say derivesfrom observation, acuteness, intelligence. Who dares to speak before making an attempt to see a full, wide spectre?

I learn how to catch those moments, when I know my opinion is not exactly the most comprehensive one and I’d rather refrain from talking. At first I think - how little do I know, how little do I understand. Then I translate my pessimism into a more optimistic conclusion - I am soaking things in, I am learning. I notice it builds up an aura of respect around you - it is a silent admission of own weakness, which never comes easy. Once we are ready to show it outside, we can see the world shrinking into a small ball of hasty judgements, while we keep the time to make up our minds and eventually, stand for something we are thoroughly aware of.


on certain days i wake up

The art of waking up is quite bizarre. I am often intrigued with all the ways to start the day and how our subconsciousness can determine about the moments when we open our eyes. As I started writing down all the possible sensations, it turned out, waking up is treacherous and yet, very important. Setting the tone of our days, it also sets the tone of our life.

On certain days I wake up and feel nostalgic.
On certain days I wake up and immediately rise from bed.
On certain days I wake up and turn the music on.
On certain days I wake up and cover my head with a duvet.
On certain days I wake up and check the colour of the sky.
On certain days I wake up and feel distressed.
On certain days I wake up and feel happy the awaited morning has arrived.
On certain days I wake up and think the dream I had is real.
On certain days I wake up and think that soon, another night will come and I will sleep again.
On certain days I wake up and feel excited.
On certain days I wake up and miss my family.
On certain days I wake up and wish it was snowing.
On certain days I wake up and can't wait for other people to wake up.
On certain days I wake up and imagine I'm playing in a movie so that birds fly around my head.
On certain days I wake up and wish I was playing in an advert so I'd enthusiastically rise from bed following the smell of freshly brewed coffee.
On certain days I wake up and realise I am back home in my old bed.
On certain days I wake up and I'm not sure where I am.
On certain days I wake up and regret the drinks I had the night before.
On certain days I wake up and cannot believe my own luck.
On certain days I wake up and already know I have a new pimple of my face.
On certain days I wake up and wish I could stay in bed all day, reading books and eating pastries.
On certain days I wake up and feel cold.
On certain days I wake up because someone woke me up.
On certain days I wake up and can't wait for breakfast.
On certain days I wake up and feel incapable of doing simplest things.
On certain days I wake up and feel as if something bad has happened although everything is fine.
On certain days I wake up and think that life is pretty good.