
say hi to 2013

It is New Year now. Hello 2013. But instead of making any promises to be better, smarter or cooler , I have my fashion plans.

I expect this year to be full of ideas. More second-hand and more re-making. More Beyond Retro and Oxfams in London , more thrift stores in Gdansk. It also means learning to sew with my grandmother in the summer break and handling the sewing machine. Can’t wait.

I want a trip to Berlin eventually this summer. I miss it, all its shops and styles that mix up everything that is good about west and east.

What else then? Some more internships instead of just fashion writing, get to attend London Fashion Week and see all fashion exhibitions at Victoria & Albert museum, please.

In terms of style, conscious fashion choices. No getting overexcited about new trends and pestering my mum to pay for spontaneous ideas which turn out to be a fashion blunder. It means less frequent visits in Urban Outfitters, but let it be my sacrifice.

Well, time for the final wish. I want to be consistent with the style I worked for. I do not want other amazingly dressed people to make me tremble that I have no idea what fashion really is.  I want to be convinced to what I wear is nice and works for me. Fashion is about diversity and individual approach.

This may seem superficial I treat fashion as a subject of my New Year’s promises. But it’s fun to do something different than people who keep saying  their diet starts with the 1st of January. Let’s hope fashion will be great this year. 

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